

Nebraska Homeschool Pioneers

In the spring of 1997, I felt the stories of the pioneers who blazed the trail for homeschool freedom in Nebraska needed to be told. I wrote a booklet entitled “Victory in Jesus,” subtitled “The Battle For Christian Educational Freedom in Nebraska...

Christmas Chaos

As homeschool moms, we’ve all been there—too much to do in too little time. I remember the month of December as especially hectic: presents to buy and wrap, goodies to bake, decorations to put up, and special meals to make. And then a mom was also expected to...

Wrestling with My Conscience

Our Homeschool Story During the fall of 1980, my husband and I became convinced that God wanted us to remove our first-grade daughter from the public school and give her a Christian education.  We began to homeschool her at the beginning of January 1981. Later that...

Kids’ Conference Theme Announced

ALL ABOARD FOR THE KIDS’ CONFERENCE!! We’re excited about this year’s theme, and we think you will be, too. Click https://tinyurl.com/lw66ty7 to learn more. While conference registration isn’t open yet, it soon will be.

Why Should I Believe You?

Why Should I Believe You? The eldest of our children attended public school for kindergarten and the first half of first grade.  My husband and I tried to prepare her for anything she might encounter that would go against our Christian beliefs.  One of the most likely...