NCHEA Leadership
The Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Robin & Tina Gould
Robin and Tina Gould have been married 25 years and graduated their three daughters from their homeschool. Robin and Tina have volunteered with the NCHEA for about 15 yrs. They are both involved in their local church music ministry. Robin is currently employed as a network administrator and Tina is a teller supervisor at a local bank.

Jeff & Jean Bennett
Vice President
Jeff and Jean Bennett have been married for 25 years, have two kids, Calvin 17 and Jared 15, that have been home schooled since kindergarten. Jeff works at Li-Cor in Lincoln, and they attend Indian Hills Community Church.

David & Lorraine Lostroh
Director & Legislative Liaison
David has monitored the legislature since he and Lorraine began homeschooling in 1981. They were intimately involved in the early struggle to make home education legal in Nebraska and went on to homeschool for over thirty years. All nine of their children graduated from their home school. They currently live in Seward and have fourteen grandchildren.

Walt & Jolene Catlett
Walt & Jolene are founding members of NCHEA, which was founded in 1986. All four of their children are homeschool graduates, and the Catletts now have 17 grandchildren! In addition to owning 4 Runza restaurants in south-central Nebraska, they are active in the North Platte Area Home Educators. They are passionate about the joy of home education and they love encouraging and helping homeschool families.