How do I join NCHEA?
Please complete the NCHEA Membership Form (online or print and mail to NCHEA, P.O. Box 57041, Lincoln, NE 68505). The membership fee is $30 and primarily covers expenses, such as the “NCHEA News,” the “Legislative Alerts,” and reduced registration fees at the Conference. The expiration date of your NCHEA membership is printed on the name and address label used to mail the newsletter.
How can I contact NCHEA?
Please email us at our Comments and Questions page or write or phone us at:
Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
P.O. Box 57041
Lincoln, NE 68505-7041
Phone: Robin and Tina Gould (402)423-4297
Remember that NCHEA leaders are also busy home educators and parents. We try to respond promptly. But if your call or e-mail has not been returned within a few days, please try again.
What is the Conference & Curriculum Fair?
The annual Conference and Curriculum Fair (C&CF) is a tremendous opportunity for you to attend your choice of more than 40 speakers and workshops and to research curriculum options and other educational materials from a large number of vendors. The C&CF is designed to address the interests and needs of a wide spectrum of attendees, from those considering homeschooling to the veteran with senior high school students. Workshops are continuing and professional education for home educators.
The registration fee funds the event as well as covering annual administrative costs and expenses to monitor legislation.
Does NCHEA monitor the Unicameral and the U.S. Congress?
A national alert network keeps leaders of state homeschool organizations aware of what is happening in Washington, D.C. and in all 50 state governments. NCHEA leadership is part of this national network.
What are Legislative Alerts?
Legislative Alerts are sent out to members when we feel it is important that they contact their legislators. We use the NCHEA News, the U.S mail, or e-mail depending on the urgency of the situation.
What if my address changes?
Postage is an ever-increasing area of cost. In order to make effective use of the funds God has provided, the NCHEA utilizes bulk mailing in the delivery of the “NCHEA News.” It is very important that you inform the NCHEA of an address change because bulk mail is not forwarded. Please use our Change of Address form.