The Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Encouraging • Supporting • Defending
The NCHEA believes that God gave the responsibility for educating children to parents and not to the state.
Since 1986, the NCHEA has been encouraging and supporting Christian Families in the education of their children at home, and defend the rights of Christian parents to homeschool.

What We Do
- Conduct an annual state Conference and Curriculum Fair
- Conduct a Kids Conference
- Conduct a Teen Conference
- Sponsor a Graduate Recognition
- Sponsor a Legislative Day
- Send out a Newsletter
- Provide speakers for support groups
- Maintain a website and Facebook page
- Help families locate or start local support groups
- Monitor the Legislature for detrimental bills
- Testifie on bills or rule changes which affect homeschool rights
- Provide Legislative Alerts to members
- Conduct Candidate Surveys
- Have two registered lobbyists
- Consult with state senators and educational officials
- Work with Home School Legal Defense Association